Summer Opportunities
Hey, people! How are you?
Here are some interesting opportunities for this summer!
Welcome to the community for open-minded Youth from Eastern European and Baltic Sea countries, who wish to cooperate in social life, to change the world. Great sailing in the International Ship! The ship will carry you to all marvelous places, where you will find each other, find with whom to cooperate, how to do the first steps and in what direction to move. As a real marine crew, we'll support you. We'll accept every crazy idea and encourage you on your way.
Hey, people! How are you?
Here are some interesting opportunities for this summer!
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Young Blogger
Topics: announcements
Project “Youth: Open the door!”
International training course
“Sustainable co-operation and partnership in youth work across the boarders”
The National Youth Council of Latvia in cooperation with the youth councils from Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad and St.Peterburg), Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Finland and Denmark organise the third of six International Training courses as part of the project “Youth: Open the door!”.
Theme of course: “Sustainable co-operation and partnership in youth work across the boarders” During the course participants will have the opportunity to discover different organisational methods, realities and experiences while working to promote the sustainable co-operation, creating strong partnerships that can be used in youth work across the boarders between the |
Participants: - youth leaders, youth actors, youth NGO representatives - aged 18-30 from Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Kaliningrad (Russia), St. Petersburg ( |
Dates: 10.07.2007-15.07.2007 |
Venue: |
Fee: |
Travel and accommodation:- 70% of travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by organiser; board and lodging is provided - Participants should cover insurance, visa if needed and 30% of travel costs. Travel costs will be reimbursed after the seminar. |
Deadlines for application: 13th of june, 2007, sent in to |
Contact details: The National Youth Council of |
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Following a request of Ukrainian organization NDLM, we post their short description into our "cooperation" blog. If you would be interested to work with them in the future or to get more information, drop the line to or visit website
People-Democratic League of Youth (NDLM)
The People-Democratic League of Youth is all-Ukrainian youth non-governmental organization acting over the territory of Ukraine. The organization was formed in accordance to the will of its founders in 1997, and is officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
The organization performs its activities according to the Constitution, the Law of Ukraine "On Youth and Children Organizations of Ukraine", the Statutes, the Program and other documents adopted by the Assembly, the Council and the Board.
Mission statement:
The main goal of the organization is to engage the youth to the development of Ukraine as democratic, rightful, social state, to support to building of fair and open civic society in Ukraine, performing activities directed at providing and lobbying of the social, economic and other rights of the youth, who are the members of the organization.
The main objectives:
to create favorable conditions for professional and moral development of the organization members;
to assist in the development of the education of youth through the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the extended system of training and retraining of young specialists;
to support young specialists in job search and their training, engagement to the work within the organization;
to give support in undertaking researches and the development of efficient political, economic and legal mechanisms to take reforms, improving the social and economic situation in Ukraine;
giving support in preparing law projects, in particular, in the social and econimic areas;
assisting to the popularization of the ideas of democratic policy-making;
assisting to building of civil society in Ukraine;
assisting to the development of culture and preserving cultural values;
giving support to the development of the international cooperation;
studying and acquiring the successful experience in all field of human activities that concerns the youth development.
Any citizen of Ukraine, who complies with the regulations of the Law of Ukraine “On Youth and Children Non-governmental Organizations”, acknowledges the Statutes of the League, and is consistent with its statutory requirements.
Our projects:
Student Republic
Student Law developing
Role play «Mafia»
Debate games for students
For keeping the family values
The First Lady
Streetball tournament for youth
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Topics: Organisations
hello there. as discussed in the TC, we will publish project ideas developed in the spectacular surroundings of Trakai, Lithuania. Besides idea and description you will find contact person who is leading the process. Feel free to contact them if you are interested in the idea of project and would like to join the initiative. Let's go for more!
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Topics: project ideas
"Young Diplomats' Center" Association is an independent and apolitical youth organization established in December 1999 at the Institute of International Relations, Warsaw University. Among main fields of interest of Association are: international cooperation and international relations in the political, social, economical and cultural dimension. At present YDC assembles ca. 250 members. These are young people, students, graduates of international relations and other faculties related to law political and social sciences. The majority of them, however, is related with the Institute of International Relations, Warsaw University.
The Association's main mission is to acknowledge professional preparation of young people towards their participation in public and social life of Poland as well as in international surroundings. The organization provides its members with facilities to establish relations with young people from abroad and to discover other countries. To its goals YDC recons also: activities focused on development and education of young people, strengthening civil society in Poland, preparation towards fully aware membership in the European Union and popularization of knowledge on international relations. "The Center" wants to assemble line of young professionals willing to achieve experience, broaden their horizons, to educate and create a positive image of Poland in Europe and World. Among its top objectives YDC recognizes also the integration of students and graduates - local community of the Institute of International Relations. Social bonds estimated during University years enable professional cooperation in future life.
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Topics: Organisations
Public Youth Organization "Jaunimo mainai ir bendradarbiavimas" (JMB) is one of the member organizations of IYNGO "Youth for Exchange and Understanding". The Lithuanian branch started its activities in June, 1996. At the moment organization has around 100 active members involved both on the national and international levels.
In ten years of its existence JMB has implemented more than 12 international youth projects in cooperation with other YEU partner organizations. Four projects were organized during the last 3 years. Organization is working primarily to foster close cooperation and better understanding among young people of the world, both between and within continents, particularly by encouraging the exchange of information and experience between different cultures and societies.
JMB stimulates mutual aid in the developed and developing countries for cultural, educational and social purposes, it encourages the exchange of ideas and opinions, and it also aims to improve the relationships among young people from countries with differing political systems and religious beliefs. Members within this organization work together on issues effecting people, their way of life and their environment.
More information about JMB is available on the Internet. Just follow the link:
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Topics: Organisations
Hi, people!
I have one question to you... How to translate to your native language "International ship"?
I will wait for the answers in comments!
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Young Blogger
Topics: consultation room
Pavel Viknyanskiy, Ukraine, NDLM (People Democratic Youth League):
"Life is to short for wasting it for useless things. Doing something only for process - it`s selfsatisfaction."
Leila Mustafaeva, Lihuania, Young Conservative League:
"Cooperation – as keeping contacts with each other, communicating, discovering common values and common needs – together we can do more! As for me it is very important. Together we can do a lot! Cooperate to achieve together as much as possible and as good as possible."
Anya Melnykova, Ukraine, Psychological Centre “ROZRADA”:
"The voice of one person can be last in the noise of The World. Even if it is a strange it is a note of a symphony which can amaze the world. Note to note – for me is cooperation"
Magda Crucha, Poland, Center of youth co-operation and mobility:
"In general: NO! We should cooperate to achieve a particular goal. But cooperation just for cooperation is sometimes good: because it can let people who has never been abroad to know other cultures, to meet different people, therefore it can make them more tolerant, more open-minded. Using this features they can make useful things in the future!"
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Young Blogger
Topics: TC outcomes
What did you want to ask and never dare? Our community is also a place for asking each other in our professional field: youth work. So, if you want to write a question to others members of community, you are welcome! Just write a label "consultation room"!
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Young Blogger
Topics: consultation room
Pavel Viknyanskiy, Ukraine, NDLM (People Democratic Youth League):
"Youth needs in new understandable and interesting ideas, projects, entertainments. That`s enough of training without tangeble results and seminars with ties!
The formul is clear: event must be interesting and useful for ordinary people. Exactly the same is idea and 9 years of realisation of Ukrainian student festival "StudRespublika". This is mega-project made by youth efforts. And the most advantage is that it is not boring!"
Egor Samusenko, Ukraine, Kyiv Student Council:
"I heard a lot of about polish experience in student selfgovernment and very few about Baltic countries achievements in this field. And we have an experience of making Student Selfgovernment School in Kyiv that we would like to share with others! I think, idea of exchange between student selfgorvernment organisations would be a good one and useful for everybody!"
Magda Crucha, Poland, Center of youth co-operation and mobility:
- project about woman rights
- project between photograph organizations to create a common art project
- promote woman rights by photography or to promote human rights in general
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Young Blogger
Topics: project ideas
Under this topic you are welcome to tell us about latest events of your organization! Share your experience, news but out the label "news of organisations"!
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Young Blogger
Topics: news of organisations
Share your project ideas with us!
? What are you going to do?
? What do you need for this?
? When and where the event will take place?
? What kind of support do you need?
? Have you a hidden agenda?
? What countries would you like to invite?
Think about it and make other to do the same! Just put the label "project ideas" on your post!
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Young Blogger
1 opinions
Topics: project ideas
If you have some announcements of events that are open for Youth NGO in East Europe in Baltic Sea region, post it by the label "announcement". Requirements for information: deadline, name, who carry out, where and when event takes place, to whom is target and where is possible to find additional information.
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Young Blogger
Topics: announcements
Name: Kyiv Student Council
Country: Ukraine
About: tru--lya-lya
Posted by
Young Blogger
Topics: Organisations
We want Open communication for Cooperation!
- We can attract more people and increase the number of members and member organizations. We can involve young people in social life.
- We can help people with disabilities to integrate in society.
- We can get a better vision of the situation, face with real problems and learn how to deal with them.
- We can gain “Synergetic effect”: By cooperating together we can achieve more than doing it alone. (1 + 1 = 3 )
- We can develop by sharing experience, knowledge, ideas, etc.
- We can create an organization’s image and to influence mass media.
- We can find efficient ways of supporting (informational, financial, governmental, different resources, connection etc.)
- We are in Europe and Council of Europe (EU and non EU countries), We have a lot in common: needs, values, history, geographical situation, etc. By cooperating We can make a step forward to achieve European goals, and straighten links with neighbors.
- We can increase the professional level of the team involved in the project organization.
-We can promote democratic ways of thinking and break stereotypes (e.g. of USSR…)
Magda Crucha, Poland, Center of youth co-operation and mobility:
"To cooperate with several countries to see the problem from different point of view and to join our strength to be more powerful and achieve goals more effectively!"
Valeriy Ciorba, Moldova, Association of Young Researchers from Moldova “PRO-Science”:
"To work in the same field and to do it separately is not the best way to reach the goals. Cooperation is an important point and our organization is going to explore it in the best way."
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Topics: TC outcomes
welcome to the WebLog created by/for participants of International training course "Innovative approaches for international youth cooperation" in the framework of Baltic Countries and Eastern European Countries cooperation.
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Let's sail together!